There are a few stock markets in the world consider as MAJOR because their market value is more than USD 1,000 billions. Its could be useful to understand which of these major markets open first and see how they affect each other.

Notice the market start time is reference with GMT where GMT 0 is at London, England. So at exactly midnight in London, Australia market opens, vice versa for all the other markets. In short, all these world markets cover GMT 0 to 21. Active Internation speculators / traders may rest for 3 hours a day :)Earth turns from west to east so we see sky moving from east to west. By world definition, earth day starts from GMT +/- 12 which is somewhere near Hawaii. Moving west the first continent see the first day light of a particular day would be Australia ...
So the first markets that open on earth are Australia and Japan, followed by China, Hong Kong, Italy, England, Spain, Germany and finally Nasdaq and NewYork.
These are some of the key data ...
( blue highlight the smallest figures and
red highlights the highest figures
click on the picture to see larger view )
Applying these world MAJOR markets and its opening time, I finally fine tune my 1view world market into the following.
I think so far not many people find it useful yet but if you do, do leave some comments, thanks !